Monday, November 29, 2010

Kidneys on the Couch

When I first started custom sewing for interior designers I was confronted by the "kidney" pillow order. I had sewn pillows that looked like balls, pillows that looked like tuxedos, pillows that looked like flags or stars. I used all the geometry lessons I swore I would never need. But a kidney pillow? I'm thinking kidney beans that sort of oval shape with the dent in it. And exactly why would someone want such a thing? I lay awake in the dead of night as one always does with these sort of creative
dilemmas. Finally, I confessed to the designer my insecurity with creating this pillow. She looked at me like I had just fallen from the sky, and proceeded to explain to me it was just a rectangle. A rectangle! Hundred of kidney pillows later I must say they are my favorite. The height /length dimensions are in a 2 to 3 ratio. The favorite sizes are 12" x 18" or 14" x 21. The smaller of the two fits nicely on a single proper chair, and the larger fits perfectly in an upholstered chair. Another great attribute of the kidney pillow is that it only requires one yard of trim, so you can splurge and get that fabulous trim, without spending a lot. For two pillows, you only need one yard of fabric and two yards of trim.

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